Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Design Fest 2010 Announced

DesignFest 2010 "On the Board"
a show that takes us back to the drawing board.
is December 10, 2010 from 7-9pm on campus!

The show will feature work from the Visual Communication and Game Art programs. Drawing Boards in two size options (18x24" and 9x12") will be provided to any design student whom would like to create a submission. The content is limited only to the bounds of your imagination and the surface of a drawing board. Remind yourself of the important role drawing has in your work, no matter what media or mode the final product is rendered in. Stretch yourself and your creativity to fit in this open content, closed format show.

You must request a board by Friday the October 22nd by signing up with Anna, Alicia, or Tuan.

The first committee meeting will take pace Friday October 22, 2010 at 11:30am in the conference room. We are still looking for student volunteers to join our committee and help organize this yearly event. The committee requires a weekly Friday 11:30 am meeting commitment leading up to the event and it allows you a voice in the direction of the event, it offers a chance for you to experience planning and executing an art exhibit opening, it gets you actively involved in your program with like minded peers, and it helps you build a stronger resume! Plus, its FUN! If you are interested in joining please attend our first meeting or let Anna, Alicia, or Tuan know, the success of this event rests in students hands!

If you have any questions regarding the event, committee membership, or work you would like to submit please feel free to ask/email Alicia (the design faculty advisor for the show) @ or ask Anna or Tuan.