Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Get a Life" art show

Please join us for this exciting upcoming Student Art Show this weekend! 

Saturday, June 28th from 5:30-8:00pm.
This show is off campus at Doffin Investments 3655 Torrance Blvd. Suite 250, Torrance, Ca 90503 and open to the public. It is a unique opportunity for our students in that their work will be part of this 3 month exhibit with work from Otis College of Art and Design, as well as that from Torrance High. 

The opening night includes artwork of course, food, drink (and Cake I think:), and a relaxed community vibe. All students exhibiting will be at the reception and I encourage you to talk with them about their work. 

Exhibiting Artists
Avante Butler 
Dylan Chevalier
Matt Ciavarella
Marylyn Elvira 
Luis Marin 
Lillian Martinez
Jose Medina
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Angelica Velazquez
Ian Vidrio 
Kat Wiechert 
Taylor Wolfe 

Congratulation to our recent Visual Communications graduate Marylyn Elvira, whose work was chosen from work submitted by each of the schools to be on the flyer and all publicity material for the show. 

You can RSVP for the event (not required, just helps them make certain they order plenty of food) by calling Doffin @ 310.634.1133 or just show up, we would love to see you!

Once again I thank you most sincerely for your support and appreciate your time and commitment to our students. (I know they appreciate it too!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


DigiINk design collective, Westwood college South Bay design club, would like to thank everyone that came out to support to our students and alumni by attending the opening of “ANALYSIEREN: when you wake up you’ll understand”, a cross disciplinary art exhibit exploring the space between wake and sleep, conscious and subconscious at Findings Art Center on June 5th, 2014 from 6-9pm.

 “ANALYSIEREN” is a month long art exhibit featuring the work of DigiInk design collective members. On opening night, in conjunction with San Pedro’s First Thursdays, ART, DREAMS, AND DREAM INTERPRETATION were delivered to a crowd of family, friends, and community whom were all out to support and admire the work.  The public also got a chance to add to the exhibit by writing or drawing their own dream on the “What’s your dream?” chalkboard at the entrance to the gallery.

This event was a first for the club, bringing the work of the students out into a formal art gallery setting off campus. The show provided a venue for student work to be exhibited for an extended period of time, one month, and the chance for students to sell their work with the proceeds going toward their education. The public responded with positive encouragement for the student’s talent as well as a number of sales.

The show was student driven, with faculty and staff advisors, Students were given the opportunity to organize and implement the gallery art opening and extended show. Students from the club submitted work and prepared publicity posters, postcards, artist directory, space planning and all details related to the event/show.

We would also like to thank all the students that submitted work to the show. With a special thank you to Angelica Velazquez, the club president, for spearheading the entire event. And finally, CONGRATULATIONS to 9 year old Stella (see image attached)for winning the raffle which allowed her to choose from a selction of the exhibited work. She was overjoyed to get to take home one of Lillian Martinez’s art pieces. We hope everyone that attended enjoyed it as much as we did, and hope to see you at a future show soon.  (The Design Department has one coming up on June 28th,2014  at Doffin Investments in Torrance, but more on that later)

Once again thank you to the Participating artists
Avante Butler • Matt Ciavarella • Mirian L Delgado • Marylyn Elvira • Luis Marin
Angelica Velazquez • Kat Wiechert • Taylor Wolfe

Isa Zapata • Lillian Martinez • Saul Velasquez

and thank you to Anna Tuason (program chair) and Tuan Hua (Graduate Advisor) for your unending help and support.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What do you dream? Analysieren student art show

Join us @ the opening reception 
“ANALYSIEREN: when you wake up you’ll understand”
a group exhibit presented by digINK design collective
Thursday, June 5th, 2014
470 W 6th Street
San Pedro CA 90731
Participating venue for 1st Thursdays, San Pedro Art Walk.

Have you ever found yourself first mate on a pirate ship floating in the sky, or have you realized that all your teeth are falling out and you are powerless to stop it, or maybe you discovered a stairway leading up to the clouds in the middle of a lush and colorful garden, and just when you realize this is all real, you wake up, and wonder what does it all mean?

DigiINk design collective, Westwood college South Bay design club,  invites you to the opening of “ANALYSIEREN: when you wake up you’ll understand”, an cross disciplinary art exhibit exploring the space between wake and sleep, conscious and subconscious at Findings Art Center on June 5th, 2014 from 6-9pm.

Opening night will include artist reception, a Freudian/Jungian dream dictionary, an original artwork raffle, portfolios from recent graduates, and light snacks.  The event coincides with San Pedro’s First Thursdays’ ArtWalk with live music and food trucks near every participating venue.

1st Thursday Parking on Streets and in Municipal Lot is Free After 6:00 pm, No Matter What the Signs Say. No Kidding!

Participating artists
Avante Butler
Matt Ciavarella
Mirian L Delgado
Marylyn Elvira
Luis Marin
Angelica Velazquez
Kat Wiechert
Taylor Wolfe
 Isa Zapata
Lillian Martinez
Saul Velasquez


Friday, April 25, 2014

“ANALYSIEREN: when you wake up you’ll understand”

Have you ever found yourself first mate on a pirate ship floating in the sky, or have you realized that all your teeth are falling out and you are powerless to stop it, or maybe you discovered a stairway leading up to the clouds in the middle of a lush and colorful garden, and just when you realize this is all real, you wake up, and wonder what does it all mean?

DigiINk design collective, Westwood college South Bay design club,  invites you to the opening of “ANALYSIEREN: when you wake up you’ll understand”, an cross disciplinary art exhibit exploring the space between wake and sleep, conscious and subconscious at Findings Art Center on June 5th, 2014 from 6-9pm.

Opening night will include artist reception, a Freudian/Jungian dream dictionary, an original artwork raffle, limited original dream t-shirt sales, portfolios from recent graduates, and light snacks and beverages.  The event coincides with San Pedro’s First Thursdays’ ArtWalk with live music and food trucks near every participating venue.

please join us @ the opening reception 
“ANALYSIEREN: when you wake up you’ll understand”
a group exhibit presented by digINK design collective
Thursday, June 5th, 2014
470 W 6th Street
San Pedro CA 90731
Participating venue for 1st Thursdays, San Pedro Art Walk.

1st Thursday Parking on Streets and in Municipal Lot is Free After 6:00 pm, No Matter What the Signs Say. No Kidding!

Participating artists
Jose Alvarez
Avante Butler
Matt Ciavarella
Mirian L Delgado
Marylyn Elvira
Luis Marin
Angelica Velazquez
Kat Wiechert
Taylor Wolfe